HAPPY EASTER everyone,
Well it's not exactly an easter egg but I had 4 bananas going really brown so I always grab Fil's banana cake recipe. It is the easiest recipe I have ever made and never fails, it's moist and yummy...it's cooling right now so I can't even test it but the smell is wafting around me. I love smothering it with butter, Nola and Ken think I am mad eating cake with butter.
Here's the recipe:
2 room temperature eggs
3/4 cup castor sugar
2 or 3 mashed riped bannas
1 tbsp milk
1 tbsp vanilla essence
1 & 1/2 cup sifted self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp melted butter
Beat eggs and sugar and then add rest of ingredients and mix with wooden spoon.
(I had written these instructions like this BEAT EGGS AND SUGAR AND THEN ADD REST OF INGREDIENTS BY HAND- can you imagine trying to measure stuff by hand LOL, ah well I knew what I had written)
Cook at 150C for 40 minutes
Here's another of Fil's recipes that I love
7 egg yolks
1 tub marscaponi cheese
7 tbsp castor sugar
1 tsp vanill aessence
1 dsp liqueur of your choice e.g kahlua
1 pkt Saviordi Italian biscuits
750ml cold black ocffee
grated chocolate
Beat all ingredients except coffee and biscuit and chocolate.
Dip biscuits in coffee and lay one layer on botom of tray or glass dish,
spoon cheese mixure over this layer reservin some for rest of layers.
Repeat layers in this way. On top most layer sprinkle grated chocolate.
Refrigerate overnight.
Hint: do not leave biscuits in coffee too long, just a quick dip in and out will do,
otherwise biscuits will crumble and be oversoaked and unable to handle.
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