I'm going to link up tomorrow with T for Tuesday, Bluebeard and Elizabeth she will be so surprised because the last time I linked up was May 2019 a loong time ago.
So abit of light reading about tea for you below:
I saw this on facebook under GREAT BRITISH TREA PARTY and loved it, especially the part about giving up sugar and the reasons, it made me think about how lucky we are to have so much at our finger tips and #Covid-19 has come to take us back to those days that our ancestors had to live on so little-we are definitely spoilt.
Mary Berry on Tea, pictured at home in Buckinghamshire - English food writer and television presenter.
"My mother was fussy about making tea. When we had guests, she would have two pots of leaf tea – one of Earl Grey and one Indian. If it was just family, it was a blend of Indian tea with a pinch of Earl Grey, which was dearer but we loved the flavour, so only a pinch. I like the idea of being quintessentially British and only drink tea in the afternoon. I have a cup of hot water when I wake up. Then I have coffee. In the afternoon I like weak Earl Grey with milk but no sugar – perfect. I find Earl Grey fresher than Indian tea. Just one cup is enough; I like it as a treat. It’s how I was brought up – nothing in excess, everything should be treated as something special."
Whenever my husband serves me tea or coffee he asks “Sugar?”, knowing full well that for the 50 years we’ve known each other I’ve answered “No thank you”. That’s because during the war my mother said: “If you give up sugar in tea and coffee, I’ll be able to make the odd cake, stale bread and margarine pudding, or rhubarb and crumble.”