
Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Gardening - Frangipanis - updated

UPDATED 17May: I added more flowers at the bottom to show the beautiful flowers that will come out of all those cuttings. Aren't they gorgeous!

I wanted to show these photos before I lose them. LOL I grew up with frangipani trees everywhere. We had a huge one and I think it was a white and yellow one.  Well on the island I have been fortunate enough to find a gardening friend from our Monday garden group Jenny who has a beautiful garden of everything and frangipanis. She has around 25 trees of them. They are exquisite. I bought a cutting of very tree - well with 1 acre to play with I can have 25 trees lol. They would be more suitable to our bushfire region than the ones we have now which are also widow makers.

So at the moment they are sitting in buckets while I make the soil good for them. I am amazed how little work they need and they are thriving in the buckets.

Aren't some of them exotic! this is what I have to look forward to, one of them is blooming in the water bath




  1. I love the fragrance of frangipani.
    My mom had a pink one in the backyard.

    1. me too and these ones have gorgeous smells.

  2. Oh Bridget what a wonderful tree to be able to plant and grow - you will have so much beauty around you when they mature!
    Stay safe


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